About Us


The mission of Need2Go.Travel is to provide unique travel experiences that focus on sensory and emotional connections in order to contribute in a direct and personal way to travelers’ understanding of and compassion for people, cultures and the environment, spreading the wealth of human togetherness and helping to tip the balance away from a global trend of division, conflict and fear of the other.


The thematic nature of the tours we design is intended to allow people with similar interests to share travel experiences.  The socio-cultural element of traveling is important to us, and we hope that music lovers, foodies, naturists and the culturally curious can find common ground through their passions, make new friends and build connections that will last beyond the tour.

Our tours are also built from our own passions and interests, so participants can rest assured that we have done and will do our best to find the best spots for exploring a particular theme, hopefully in a way that is new and eye-opening to the people who join us on these adventures.




Being a nomadic free spirit and sharing that passion with her son is one of Che’s greatest joys. Giving him her dual Latvian citizenship is her legacy. Living and traveling in a VW bus for a year after grad school is one of her fondest memories.

She has roamed Europe, Japan, the States and the Caribbean for over three decades and wants to expand her worldwide network of friends.



As a traveler, programmer, musician and artist, Jevon has always had a passion for making friends with the unknown and bridging the gap between the abstract and concrete.

Born in the U.S.A. and resident of Italy since 2001, he has traveled extensively on both continents and is fluent in English and Italian.